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Reimagine RTD (GDT’s Version)

GDT > Reimagine RTD (GDT’s Version)

From 2019 to 2022 a “Reimagine RTD” exercise was carried out. Sadly the results were underwhelming to say the least, with a System Optimization Plan that contained very few new ideas for service and didn’t respond to the development that has happened in the Denver Metro region in recent years. This page details GDT’s proposals for a truly reimagined RTD that will deliver a transit system fit for the region’s needs.

Rider’s Bill of Rights
Rights and protections
for RTD riders.

Downtown Bus Plan
How RTD bus journeys can be made faster, safer and easier in Downtown Denver.

RTD Basics
A report on the six basics of transit that
RTD should focus it’s short term efforts on.