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RTD’s Gag Orders

GDT > RTD Info > RTD’s Gag Orders

This page is dedicated to the times RTD’s management decided it would be a good idea to try and limit communication between certain groups of people. The items are presented here without comment…

RTD Staff Forbidden to Speak to the Media – May 2024

On May 31st, 2024, Assistant General Manager of Rail Operations Dave Jensen sent a memo to RTD staff that said “…all inquires form media personnel for interviews or information should be politely declined, and the requestor should be directed to Control/Dispatch and/or your supervisor.”

RTD Staff Forbidden to Speak to the Directors Individually – May 2024

On May 22nd, 2024, Board Chair Erick Davidson and Board First Vice Chair Peggy Catlin sent a memo to the Board of Directors supporting a May 17th, 2024 email from GM & CEO Debra Johnson to RTD staff that said “Effective immediately, please refrain from coordinating directly with Board members.”

RTD Directors Excluded From the Peña Boulevard Stakeholder Working Group – Mar 2024

On March 1st, 2024 an email sent by Government Relations Officer Michael Davies revealed an agreement between GM & CEO Debra Johnson and Denver Airport CEO Phil Washington (who used to lead RTD) to only invite RTD staff to the Peña Boulevard Stakeholder Working Group, and not any members of the RTD Board of Directors.